Exhibit of the Spectacle
This exhibit is a means to document the manifestations of covid in daily life during November 2020.
It is a document for future generations, yet a means of reflection for those experiencing the pandemic in the present. From mask-wearing etiquette to the various signage spotted throughout the City of Kelowna.
The photographs and media archive capture feelings of lingering uncertainty, yet this simultaneous desire to continue onward with life as per usual.
The video component is a satirical performance-based how-to video teaching PPE etiquette.
The media archive is a collection of internet search results and articles that circulated throughout the month. The google search results are a series of screenshots glued together to represent what mobile users would see whenever searching for covid updates in Kelowna. The media archive is displayed in such a way to create a sense of information overload. The pink background colour is to evoke anxiety while browsing the media archive.
The images are unified by means of the colour blue, reflections, and covid signage that represent the local impact of a globally experienced moment in history.